10bet was launched more than a decade ago, as a bookmaker trying to serve UK residents and gradually expanded beyond borders. 11 years later it is still dedicated to English punters, but also serves customers from almost 100 countries and has established a dominant position in the casino industry. The bookmaker represents the cornerstone of this online gambling operator and it covers all the markets and leagues that savvy punters are regarding as essential for their well-being. The company is regulated and licensed in the United Kingdom, so their customers benefit from all the protections associated to this status.
One of the oldest sports betting companies, 10bet didn’t enjoy the meteoric rise of some of its counterparts, but instead grew at a steady pace. The customer base is impressive and allowed the group to make the transition to poker and online casino games. At the time of writing they are offering the complete package, with many of their members being active in all sections. It definitely helps that they have a unified wallet that they can use to transfer funds commission free from one area to the other.
You should also check our 10bet sports review to find out more about 10bet's sportsbook and promotions.